The combination of top quality and good prices made Manopoulos company world known for their products. The theme for this beautiful chess set is based on the Minoan Period(2600 - 1100 BC). The Minoan civilization developed and reached its Reyday on the Island of Crete. The center of this civilization was the palace of Knossos, which is one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the Greek history.
King: Prince of the Lilies: from a relief fresco of the palace of Knossos.
Queen: Snake goddess, 1600 b.c. Heraklion Museum,Crete. Goddess of vegetation and fertility, wearing the typical garment of that era, which left the breast uncovered.
Bishop: Minotaur: monster with a bull's head and human body. According to the myth,he was born from the unnatural passion of King Mino's wife, Passifae, for the holy bull. King Minos imprisoned Minotaur in the labyrinth,where he was fed with young boys and girls,who were offered to Minos by colonies.
Knight: It is inspired by a decoration of a ceramic vessel of late Minoan period,which was found at Maroni, Cyprus. It is known that Cyprus, Crete and the rest of Greece had developed close commercial and cultural bonds since that time.
Castle: A Minoan period pillar,that is to be met at the Palace of Knossos, Crete (1650 b.c).
Pawn: Soldier holding the double axe, religius symbol of the Minoan period. (Heraklino Muaeum, Crete)
Wooden Case Details:
Condition: New, Handmade in Greece
Exterior Material: Brass board over wood(color Blue-Brass)
Dimensions of board : 33 cm x 33 cm(13 inches x 13 inches) - Square size: 3.5 cm(1.37 inches)
* The wooden case has embedded the board and inside can store the pieces *
Chess pawns details:
Pawns Material: Brass and Nickel Plated cast Zinc
King Height: 2.3"(5.8 cm) - King Base: 0.875"(2.2 cm)