The Discobolus of Myron is a famous lost Greek bronze original that was completed towards the end of the Severe period, circa 460-450 BC. It is known through numerous Roman copies, both full-scale ones in marble, such as the first to be recovered, the Palombara Discopolus, or smaller scaled versions in bronze. The potential energy expressed in this sculpture's tightly-wound pose, expressing the moment of stasis just before the release, is an example of the advancement of Classical sculpture from Archaic. The torso shows no muscular strain, however, even though the limbs are outflung.
Condition: New, Handmade in Greece
Material: Casting stone
Height: 21 cm - 8.2 inches
Width: 14 cm - 5.5 inches
Length: 7 cm - 2.7 inches
Weight: 700 g