The Dephic Oracle cards, is a deck of cards unlike any other currently on the market. It is based on the ancient, wise precepts which were carved on the wall at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. Precepts which are as relevant for our lives today as they were then. The Dephic Oracle was the access point where mortals received messages from the divine. Through Pythia the oracle, individuals were able to hear the will of the gods and prophesies for the future. The oracles also inspired precepts or ethical advice for everyday life. These precepts were carved on the wall at the Temple of Apollo. The wise words in the Delphic maxims, known also as the ‘Pythian Letters’, are attributed to the seven sages of antiquity: Thales of Miletus, Pittakos Mytilineos, Bias of Priene, Solon the Athenian, Kleovoulos of Rhodes, Periander the Corinthian and Chilon the Lacedaemon. With this set of oracle cards, and the booklet enclosed, the timeless light of the ancients offers advice regarding all aspects of life, widening our perspective and understanding. “Today’s Pythia” gives her own interpretation of the meaning of these precepts as they pertain to today’s life. You are invited to receive guidance and inspiration using these oracle cards.
Condition: New
Card Height: 12cm(4.7")
Contains: 147 cards depicting beautiful wall paintings from various ancient sites of Greece and a booklet in English.